by smancmbbs smancmbbs No Comments

Mclaren 2022 is the combination of the Indonesian Independence Day Event and Classmeeting Event that was created and managed by 3 sections of the Student Council, namely Shihah Department, Watoni Department, and Tsaqofah Department with the help of other OSIS members. It will be held on 17-20 August 2022 at SMAN CMBBS and Badak Pandeglang Stadium.

At Mclaren, we gave you the best of independence and sport experience from competitions such as tug of war, eating crackers, clogs, sack racing, water volleyball, badminton, futsal, basketball, marbles racing, poison ball, walking, sprint, estafet, and football.

We also gave you the best of literature and art experience such as poster design, solo vocal, and poetry creation.


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